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Montreal Chamber Music Society

Thanks all donors

DIAMOND CIRCLE - $10 000.00 and over
Individual donations
M. Marcel Côté
M. David Sela
M. Maurice Lavallée
Corporate donations and Foundations
Fondation Sibylla Hesse
PLATINIUM CIRCLE - $5000.00 and over
Individual donations
Mme Claire Ménard
M. Manfred Krull

Corporate donations and Foundations
SAPHIR CIRCLE - $3000.00 and over
Individual donations
M. Gilles Bertrand

Corporate donations and Foundations
GOLD CIRCLE - $2000.00 and over
Individual donations
M.Michel Dallaire
M . Greg Nicoghosian

Corporate donations and Foundations
SILVER CIRCLE - $1000.00 and over
Individual donations
M. Patrice Laré • M. Yves Massé
Mme Velitchka Yotcheva
M. Yves Létourneau & Mme Marie East

Corporate donations and Foundations
BRONZE CIRCLE - $500.00 and over
Individual donations Corporate donations and Foundations